Worship Service for for March 5, 2025

Mar 5, 2025    Rev. Daryn Bahn

The season of the Church Year that starts with Ash Wednesday is known by differing terms in various nations. The official term that dates back to the sixth century AD is Quadragesima, from the Latin word for "fortieth." This term is carried forward in Latin-based languages such as Spanish (cuaresma) and Italian (Quaresima). Central Europeans reflect the self-denial aspect of the Lenten time using the term Fastenzeit (fasting time) in Germany and Nagy-bost (great fast) in Hungary. That naming tradition is also kept in Arabic-speaking countries, where the term Sawm al-Kabir (big fast) is used. Northern Europeans and related countries refer to the season of the year, relating back to the old Anglo-Saxon word Lengten-tide (springtime), which described when the days lengthened light-wise. Although the terms for the forty days of Lent may differ, the spiritual importance of "the forty" remains constant and powerful. May keeping this time of penance and prayer with "sincerity and truth" (1 Corinthians 5:8) lead us to observe a blessed and holy Lent!