Worship Service on Dec. 25, 2022

Dec 25, 2022    Rev. Daryn Bahn

The long wait is over—the Savior is born! For many people, the days, weeks, and even months have been filled with anticipation for Christmas. For children, it may be an anticipation of gifts; for others, it may be long-awaited family time enjoyed and all the season brings. For all, we pray the Good News of a Savior born this day in the city of David is the overarching reason to celebrate. Others in history had to wait a much longer time for their Christmas joy. Approximately seven centuries before “the Word became flesh” (John 1:14), Isaiah would be inspired by the Spirit to proclaim to the people, “The LORD has bared His holy arm before the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God” (Isaiah 52:10). Though the people of Isaiah’s day would not experience Christmas as we do, they would hold on by faith to the anticipated promise of salvation through our Savior who was to come. For us, we give thanks that salvation has come. In the Son of God wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger, and with the mission for humanity set before Him, “The LORD has bared His holy arm” (Isaiah 52:10). May this promise fulfilled increase our Christmas joy as God still comes to us today in His Means of Grace, that we not only see but often celebrate the salvation of our God.