Worship Service on 11/19/2023

Nov 19, 2023    Rev. Russ Sommerfeld

The Thief in the Night Can’t Surprise Children of Light (The End-Time Life, Part 1: A Gospel-Centered Life) This Sunday and next we will consider how we should live between now and the Last Day. Our preparation for it is not a matter of simply believing correctly, for that would make our faith to be a good work. Rather, we are living in the end times, and by grace the Lord has already consecrated His guests. A Gospel-centered life means letting the Good News affect how we live in love today. Paul says we should “encourage one another and build one another up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11). We are very much like the servants in the Gospel, using the treasure our master has entrusted to us. We dare not keep our talents hidden, for they belong to God and should be invested! The Good News—that our Savior will return on that Day—is reason enough to take risks, investing our faith in loving the people around us.