Worship Service for 4/23/2023

Apr 23, 2023    Rev. Daryn Bahn

A roof is a glorious thing! It protects us and keeps us warm and safe. Most roofs aren't see-through. You don't always know what's underneath them. However, when it comes to the "roof" of God's Word, Absolution, and the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, we know what's hidden there. It is our Lord himself, our risen Savior, who graciously comes to us in forgiveness and love! Under this roof, our Lord abides and dwells with us, bringing us peace and life. We can know what it was like for the disciples who walked the road to Emmaus. They walked and then they ate with Jesus, who hid himself from their sight so that he could ultimately reveal himself to them in his teaching and the breaking of bread.