Worship Service on 5/28/2023

May 28, 2023

Just as Pentecost was a fulfillment of the Old Testament Word and of the Word Incarnate, so, too, are worship services throughout the world a fulfillment of Jesus’ promise and therefore each a mini Pentecost, if you will, as people hear the Gospel, “the mighty works of God,” in their own tongues. In the liturgy of the Divine Service, people receive living water through the Gospel in Absolution, the reading of Scripture, hearing the preaching, and Holy Communion. As they are refreshed and renewed by this living water, out of their hearts the Holy Spirit will cause to “flow rivers of living water” (Jn 7:38). Worshipers are then sent forth with God’s benediction as they go out into the world. As with the Christians of the Early Church, they will have opportunity in the midst of their vocations to love their neighbor and speak about Jesus, the living water, repeating what they have learned from their pastor.