Worship Service on 12/31/2022

Dec 31, 2022

A snowshoe hike can be intimidating, but that's not all. Fear has become an unwelcome companion in this mortal life and even more over the past few years. As the world pauses to end a year and begin a new one, we are forced to come face-to-face with those fears. By God’s grace and favor, we know all that the Lord has done to make us His own and to enable us to live under Him now and to be His in eternity. If this gracious God is for us, then, as Paul asks, who can be against us? We do not need to know what lies in wait for our earthly future if we know the heavenly future we have in Christ. Because God is for us, we have an answer to our fears and live out our days in confidence that we are more than conquerors through Christ, our Lord.